Healthy Brain & Body Show

April 2018 : EY Centre, Ottawa ON

"Obsession with Perfection Dilemma"

Since the onset of the Internet, society has reorganized itself in how it communicates, does business, shares information and presents itself online. And as a result, this unique gift to be interconnected and to be a part of a global network has presented itself with new opportunities and challenges we must face as a global community moving forward.

One growing concern that is seeping through our collective psyche is this deep desire to be loved, heard and understood by others. Through the medium of Internet, this unmet need has now been magnified through our fixation to be perfect in how we look, act, behave, and want others to perceive us online. And in order to maintain this facade, we are trading in our innate need to learn and grow through our flaws, failures, and mistakes that make us human for quick, instant fixes that lead to more problems down the line. In this absurd effort to be perfect, we are attempting to move past our weaknesses without going through the blood, sweat, and tears required to come to deeper understandings about who we are, why we are here and what we are capable of accomplishing. 

Jennifer shared an enlightening conversation on why we are perfection obsessed, how to manage this desire while also keeping up with the jones, and how focusing on your true self will ultimately lead you to the love, joy and happiness that you seek.